Let's Stop Judging!

 Let's Stop Judging!

Everyone is fighting their battle own,

And most of the time, they never won.

Battle, to be free from past,

Battle, to live in the present,

Battle, to create a meaningful future,

Don't judge, Have a heart,

Don't be a tumor.

There is always a unique story,

Behind every person's worry,

There is always a reason,

The way they are in a particular season.

Think about that,

Before you are judging,

Or before you are nudging.

We don't know what it took someone,

To get out of bed,

Look ahead,

Feel presentable possibly,

And face the day, try to act responsibly.

We never truly know the daily struggle of others,

But, then let's not at least bother.

Let's be kind and warm,

And not be a terrible storm.


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