Note to female fellows!


Note to female fellows!

For all the females,
Especially of my region,
I’ll urge you all to certainly have some vision.
Never let the desire, spark and zeal die,
Never be afraid of the question “WHY?”
Never let anyone cut your wings,
You are a pandora of energy, as you have the power to create kings!
Never let anyone tell you your dreams are too big,
Only you can bring to your life the season of spring!
It's okay to dream,
It's okay to scream, with joy, or with tears!
It doesn't matter what so ever you wear!
It doesn't define you, neither of your potentials,
Just stay gentle!
It hardly matters what region, race, caste, ethnicity, or nationality you belong to!
If you can work hard,
You’ll find people to support you!
Its good to celebrate all the men in life, appreciate them, who push us forward,
Take a moment for those who gave you appreciating words and motivates you to work!
Who happily stand downstairs,
Put us upstairs, and clap for us aloud!
Saying it is totally allowed!
Making us believe, yes, we can have our own dreams!
If you have met such males in the form of teachers, brothers, friends, or colleagues
Consider self as lucky,
And certainly try to avoid and suppress the negativity!
Find good around you! And lend your helping hand to some another female friend new!
So that we can live days, years and life somewhat so-called extraordinary!


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