We'll Grow...

We’ll Grow... We’ll grow by working, Not by cursing! We’ll grow, By being genuinely kind and humble, Not for decorating the stage for somebody’s crumble. We’ll grow by helping each other, Not by unnecessarily bothering each other. We’ll only grow, When we are happy with others' growth, Negativity will only be going to make us sloth. We can grow, When we respect other beings, Wishing for people’s well-being. Your work is the only tool, That will make you feel appreciated, If you think by pulling others, You can be celebrated or decorated, My dear ones, You are highly mistaken, And your path of growth has already been deaccelerated. If you think by putting others down, And you think you can sail alone and in case you feel you won, My dear, to this world, you are so unknown. Beautifully once, Eleanor Roosevelt quoted, Small minds discuss people, The average minds, discuss events, But, Great Minds, Discuss Ideas. So, all of us are free to choose our own category, And our own state, T...