Let's travel back in time...

 Let's travel back in time...

Travel back in times, Where laughter chimes, Those childhood crimes. Carefree-laughter days, Summer-winter holidays.Thousand of pampering ways, Where only love conveys.Where worries were not nearby, Only joy overfly, Those gali cricket matches with brothers,Where every aunty seems like a mother. School as worlds of wonder,Eating food between classes was the only blunder.Well dressed, food packed, bag packed, all done by mother, Holding hands, walking between two brothers, All three of us together.Reaching school, In an amazing jolly pool, All the time, weird laughing acts, in the middle of a lecture, the faces of your besties attract. Wonderful life it was, BecauseSuch genuine happiness it was.

The most beautiful phase of life: CHILDHOOD :)


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