My Body Belongs to 90s!

My Body Belongs to 90s! My body belongs to era 90s And so does my soul, I am happy, even if people call me in an outdated role. Yes, I value bonds more than anything, Yes, money is important for sustaining, but can’t over power many things, Yes, I am addicted to people, Say family and friends And the length of my smile, on them depends Good news from them, Lightens me up, Their struggle sometimes, made my mental state corrupts Yes, I have pathetic voice Still love to sing and listen, the typical 90s musical noise Yes, we mock ourselves, Yes, we hardly find pleasure in grilling foreign cells. Yes, we are middle strata, And we always have laughing data. Yes, we understand the warmth of bonds, And we act, react and accordingly respond. Yes, I still feel heaven, when my favorite people are around, This virtual world is just a means, to feel that they are still around. Y...