Things that matter are always abstract!


  Things that matter are always abstract!

What I look for, 
Probably, the heart sings for something more, 
I do appreciate the tangible things around, 
But the heart looks for intangible things that need to be crowned! 

What I look for, 
Somewhat abstract more, 
What I miss, 
Somewhat, a different kinda bliss! 
Yes, the work environment is pretty cool, 
But, sometimes, the soul needs some different fuel. 

What do I miss? 
I miss, 
Those long working hours at IIT, 
Returning late at home, after a roam, 
And always facing a father, standing at the door, 
Always, having the same words “Don't be late anymore”
Replying with the same words, “Papa following your footsteps, “anything for work” 
And then that quick deep silence between us works! 

Then facing the restless mother, showcasing her concern, 
Tackling her, and poor me thinking, face it, if you need to earn. 

I miss my brothers, 
Their irritation, their over-surveillance, 
Their shield to protect me from parents' rough heat and place me on the safer seat. 

I miss my people, 
The together food we had, 
The fuss created when somebody is mad, 
The Amul talks, the together walks, loud waves of laughter, 
The tea together, praising or criticising the weather, 
The carpool drives, the desi kiddish middle-class jokes, the times of mocks, 
The sunshine in the ground, the frustrations of the compounds. 

I miss my scooty, 
Inspite of, its ugliest version, 
Staying with me in all season, 
The pleasure of rewarding it with fuel full, 
So that it can handle the tripling pull! 

I miss, those
Flyover kids, 
The spark they had, the maturity they carry and unfortunately, still fighting for the food, 
Poor me, always wondering how to change all these dudes?

I miss 
My female Senior, 
The Bengali dishes, 
The gossip, the laughter and the encouragement to stay single😂, 
Telling there is no fun to mingle! 

I miss the Hindi, 
Why do people call it okra, dude, it's our bindi! 

I miss my band gala kurta, 
Or my simple Hindustani suit, 
I miss my Haryanvi-Delhi roots. 

No, No, life is not terrible here, 
It's just that heart belongs to a land far there!  


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