Cherry Blossom comes with a message!


Cherry Blossom comes with a message! 

So, here comes the season of cherry blossom,
To give a message excellent and a promise in quantum,
It makes us believe,
No matter how brutal or harsh the winters are,
Being steady, consistent, hopeful, and strong, sooner or later, result in great cheer.

No matter what you went through,
No matter what ever situation you are in,
You'll experience a time with vision, less blur, and a season of musical air.
When you'll sail through,
Don't forget to lend your helping hand to someone in need, even to someone new,
If you'll be able to make your castle in the woods,
Don't forget to lighten the path for someone's good,
Don't forget to put the marking along the trail,
So that they can frame their own scale, see the details, and write their own fantastic tale.

It might happen, they'll reach you, spend a moment of joy,
And then you guys can together enjoy,
And let your spirits be energised, channelised and catalysed.

                                                                                                       Celebrate all seasons! Celebrate life!                   


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